The Legend of Port Ellen
- Auflage
- 1. Aufl.
- Einband
- Hardcover
- Umfang
- 96 Seiten
- Erschienen
- 15. Dez 2015
- Status
- lieferbar
- Format
- 21,00 x 29,70 cm
- Sprache
- English
- Verlag
- Unibuch Verlag
- ISBN-13
- 9783934900639
- ISBN-10
- 3934900631
Growth and fall of the Port Ellen Distillery
32 years after the final shut down of the Port Ellen Distillery, this research sometimes resembles a 1.000 piece jigsaw puzzle with many pieces of it missing. This book is the attempt to compile for the first time in one single edition all the information about Port Ellen Distillery, which previously had been spread across various works. The chapters of this book include the whole history of the Port Ellen Distillery, the reasons for its closure and removal as well as a cask analysis and pictures of original and some special bottlings.
Autor(en): Holger Dreyer.